Banner Wildlands

Natural wildlife and habitat
  • Our entire site is abundant with natural flora and wildflowers to help the productivity of pollination.
  • We grow our own vegetables in our vegetable garden on site without the use of pesticides and herbicides. 
  • We have planted native trees throughout to create strong habitats for birds and other wildlife.​
  • We are increasing our pollinator friendly planting.
  • We run litter picks in our surrounds.
  • Wildlands’ location was strategically chosen to avoid any disruption to the natural woodland in the area. 
  • Since our inception we have, and we continue to engage with, local expert environmental consultants. These experts carried extensive Natural Impact Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessments on our behalf and our location was strategically chosen to avoid any disruption to the natural woodland in the area. 
  • Significant parts of our main building and all 14 of our self-catering cabins were constructed using sustainable timber frame methods. 
  • Our activities including our main outdoor attractions, Zip ‘n’ Trek and Zip ‘n’ Trek Junior, along with our playground and our Jeeps course, were mainly built using sustainable timber.
  • All landscaping at Wildlands uses native species to the area.
  • All outdoor park lights are directed down to ensure no light pollution.